2 Spirits of BC
BC Indigenous 2SLGBTIQ+ Wellness Program
about us
2 Spirit of BC
Advocates, Educates, Supports and Networks

The 2 Spirits of BC website is provided by the Four Feathers Society. The society organizes events for the 2 Spirit people living in British Columbia that improve their wellness
Follow our Facebook page to keep informed about activities: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2spiritsofbc

Two Spirit Drumming Circle
Friday Night, 5:30 pm, Slaxin LeLum (MVISS),
Buzz 200
#200- 1638 E. Broadway St/ Street, Vancouver, BC
Last room South.
Previous Groups and Workshops
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Two Spirit Pow Wow Journey
Group has Ended
You need to register as 2 Spirits of BC member then register for the event. You need to be Indigenous 2SLBGTIQQ+
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Trauma and Addiction Educational group
Group ended
To register for group you have to become a 2Spirit of BC then register under our Events Section.

Group has ended will run again in the summer
Group is over will run in Spring 2022

2 Spirits of BC Medicine Wheel
This group is over and will run again in the Winter of 2022
2 Spirit of BC Website Programming

- Two Spirit Teachings
- Medicine Wheel Teachings
- Non Violent Communication Group.
- Trauma and Addiction Group.
- Grief and Loss Group.
- Inspiritional 2 Spirit Speakers.

We want to hear from you about your life as Two Spirit person. We interested in finding what is need in our community. The research data will help us do more to meet your needs.

- 2 Spirt Art competitions, weekly
- Access Talking Circles.
- Webinars about us.
- Registration for our events.
- Resources listings.